Public Community Nodes

The preceding sections provide instructions on setting up a Public Community Node (PCN) on both the Testnet and Mainnet.

To enable users to fetch public data by querying your node, it is essential to make your node accessible to the public. This can be achieved by adding your node to our community listing of nodes, which consists of a diverse collection of community-run nodes. By doing so, users have a broader selection of nodes to connect to as they interact with the blockchain, expanding beyond the default Switcheo Labs node.

PCN has multiple use-cases:

  • Promoting greater decentralization within the Carbon ecosystem

  • In the event of a node failure/disruption, the community listing of nodes will allow one to easily switch to other nodes and continue using dApps on Carbon without interruptions

PCN is currently in use by Carbon dApps such as Demex and Carbonscan.

Adding a public node

To include your public node in the list, please provide all the relevant information about your node here.

Do ensure that the Carbon RPC endpoints are publicly accessible and properly configured. Once you have input the information, your node will be made public after the review process.

Last updated